Mental Illness in America

Last month, SAMSA released a report about the incidence of mental illness in America.  A striking one in five (20%) of American adults experienced some sort of mental illness in the past year.  Even worse, nearly 30% of young adults (ages 18-25) had a brush with...

Lost Memories

Last summer, while doing some work at home I noticed my desktop computer – – where I have over a decade of family photos and other files saved – – started making weird noises.  I didn’t have the time to investigate it so I ran a virus...

Choosing the Right Therapist

The Wall Street Journal just ran a nice little piece on how to go about choosing the right therapist.  I love seeing articles like this in publications like that.  The article noted there are different types of therapists, therapies, etc and that what works for one...

Detox Your Workplace

Most of the consulting and clinical work I do regarding disruptive behavior centers around the disruptive individual.  Though I often make recommendations to the organization about the systemic issues that might be contributing to the acting out of a professional...