Medical Specialty among Disruptive Physicians

A recent study published in JAMA Network Open, which examined reports of unprofessional behavior among over 35,000 physicians, found that while the vast majority of doctors (90.9%) never received any reports, there were notable differences across specialties. Surgeons...

Beat Depression with Exercise

Here is even more compelling evidence for the psychological benefits of exercise in managing depression. Exercise including walking/running, yoga, and strength training can serve as a powerful tool to improve your mental well-being and promote long-term recovery. The...

Physical activity decreases depression

Yet another study was recently published touting the benefits of increased physical activity (not just rigorous exercise!) with regard to preventing depression. Here is a powerful quote from the article: “Independent of older adult’s physical and mental...

TIME OUT! (…and time-in)

When you think of “time-out,” you probably either think about sporting events or envision a pouting kid sitting in the corner. Let’s think about that kid and the purpose for him being on a time-out. Chances are he did something he wasn’t...

Free DIY Couples Therapy

I remember when I was a kid and my dentist would repeatedly try to convince me to floss my teeth.  I thought it was odd that he was trying to convince me to do things that would yield less business for him.  After all, if I didn’t floss, I’d be more at risk...

What should you talk about in therapy?

Wow… It’s been quite a while since I posted anything to this blog. Let’s just say things have been busy especially since the pandemic. For my first post, literally in years, I thought I’d offer something light. A buddy of mine forwarded me a...

Politics and Health

Regardless of your political leanings, I think most people will agree that discussions about politics have become increasingly more difficult over the past few years. In my practice, I have heard countless stories of friendships that have ended or family members stop...