by Michael Heitt | Jun 10, 2013 | benefits of therapy, Coaching
I just came across a recent article in the AMA’s newsletter,, about physician (and staff) burnout. Nothing all that new here, but it talks about how overwork and burnout of one member of the treatment team or office staff – – physician...
by Michael Heitt | May 29, 2013 | benefits of therapy, psychodynamic, Psychotherapy
There have been many studies that have demonstrated the positive effects of psychotherapy. A new study was just published in PLoS Medicine that looked at seven different types of psychotherapeutic intervention. The study essentially showed that there was no...
by Michael Heitt | Jan 23, 2013 | benefits of therapy, medication, Psychotherapy
Look around the room and you’re likely to find at least one person who is on an antidepressant medication now. I just did a Google search for the “top prescription drugs” and according to, one antidepressant and another psychiatric...
by Michael Heitt | Oct 17, 2012 | benefits of therapy, medication, Psychotherapy, self care, stress
The American Psychological Association (APA) recently launched a new awareness initiative about the benefits of psychotherapy. There are a couple cute videos (below) that mock the pharmaceutical commercials that we see too often. Though I very much appreciate this...
by Michael Heitt | Feb 26, 2012 | benefits of therapy, Psychotherapy
A recent study drew a correlation between working overtime and the development of major depression… regardless of the “stress level” of the job. As a psychologist who works with a lot of physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals (who...
by Michael Heitt | Feb 2, 2012 | benefits of therapy, Psychotherapy
Last month, SAMSA released a report about the incidence of mental illness in America. A striking one in five (20%) of American adults experienced some sort of mental illness in the past year. Even worse, nearly 30% of young adults (ages 18-25) had a brush with...