After months of remote sessions via Zoom, it’s finally time to “return to a new normal.” My office mates and I have taken great measures to reopen the office in the safest manner possible. In compliance with the Governor’s orders, we will be modifying our regular office procedures. Please take a few minutes to review all of the information below. You will need to sign an informed consent agreement specific to meeting in-person during this re-opening process.

Here’s a very brief overview of several new procedures:

  1. Please print, read, sign and send (or bring) to me this informed consent agreement. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them.
  2. Do not come to the office if you have any symptoms of the coronavirus or if you suspect that you may have been exposed to the virus. Instead, just let me know, and we can easily (and safely) have a remote session via Zoom.
  3. Bring your own mask to wear inside the office building.
  4. Text me from your car to let me know that you have arrived and are symptom-free.
  5. Wait for me to text you back, inviting you to enter the office
  6. Sanitize your hands as you enter and leave the office.
  7. Proceed directly back to my office. Please do not wait in the waiting room.
  8. If you need to use the restroom, the doors should be unlocked so you will not need a key.

I made a short one-minute video that offers a quick overview of what will be expected of all people coming into the office